Disaster Alert Network - ubAlert

Friday, February 13, 2015

Are we a Race Worth Saving

As survivalist and preppers we often see the evils and slow crumbling of society and politics. Usually from a perspective that most tend to ignore or just don't understand at all. I have watched many many evils and disasters in my forty plus years of existence. Seen hatred, violence, vanity and greed on levels that sometimes bring tears to my eyes.

Fear and violence have become part of the norm in everyday life it seems. The Media pushes these issues in a manner that represents a high end marketing campaign. Media Reform  has become a important and on going venue in the activist toolbox in recent years. War, destruction greed and fear are an open door to mass profit. Watching a terrorist attack or disaster on tv has most people pinned to their seats (great for commercial spots).

Ok so what does all this mean. In order to have an audience you must have good material to keep things interesting. Well guess what, humans are hard coded to supply the best performances on Earth.

Truth of the matter is destruction, hate, natural disaster ect ect has been going on since the beginning of man itself and even before our existence. There was this thing called The Ice Age. I've been told that would have made for a great news coverage spot.

It is human nature to fear death but with life there must always be death.The bad always proceeds the good. Truth is that good deeds and just normal nice behavior is less exciting. We are responsible for bringing the good to the forefront and getting rid of the bad trend. We are the hope for our species. With all the bullshit, hard times and fucked up attitudes kicking around it is hard.

I literally have to tell myself to do something positive every day. What makes it even harder is that we may not even see the results of our deeds. So On this valentines day (kiss ass to get love day) besides the normal flowers gifts ect ect just say hi to someone you dislike and then curse them out in your head. or help a stranger out (safely though) You never know you might feel better about yourself.


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